Course Areas
Insight Colearning Center has six major areas of study: Cultural Studies, Health, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Studies, and Second Language.
CULTURAL STUDIES encompasses the study of various cultures’ material productions in the form of a variety of media. This includes but is not limited to
cultural media (texts, visual arts, music, film, etc.)
NATURAL SCIENCES encompass diverse attempts to understand nature using a variety of scientific methods. At Insight, Natural Sciences includes
the standard scientific disciplines:
Applied, interdisciplinary courses, such as
Plant Science
Habitats and Ecosystems
Lab science
SECOND/ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE acquisition is an essential part of a robust education. Students are expected to at least begin the process of learning a language that is new to them. Insight currently offers
American Sign Language
HEALTH is both the study and practice of human thriving. Health education at Insight includes
comprehensive sexual health
public health and social justice
outdoor adventure education
lifetime wellness and physical activity
SOCIAL STUDIES at Insight are the studies of human social structures. Courses in this area include traditional “humanities” and/or “social sciences” approaches and cover
the contemporary world and its structures (political, religious, economic, etc.)
human social structures as they vary geographically and over time
MATHEMATICS is the study of number, structure, shape and change. At Insight, Mathematics includes the study of
procedures used to solve math problems
cultivation of a student’s capacity to think with numbers and quantities
creative approaches to quantitative problems
understanding logic and formal proofs
Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, and Statistics